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Where ya been, Taylor?

Ya'll its almost the end of July! Where does the time go? No, seriously-where does it go?!

Things have been so crazy busy for me in the past few months- So my apologies about not having any new content! Life, life, life happens- so quickly!

Here is a down and dirty catch up:

1. Went PRN at my "real job"...helloooo freedom!

2. Best friend moves 400 miles away (its fine, no really-it's fine, okay not so much)!

3. New business opportunities locally! More to come- haven't worked the kinks out yet!

4. Multiple vacations- exciting, right?!

Okay- your caught up, kinda!

But, lets talk the real real. This world is crazy! Everyone is trying to fit in with some trend, start some amazing business, be amazing all the time and etc! Well, guess what! We can't be amazing 100% of the time. We can appear to have our shit together but we all fall apart.

We spread ourselves so thin that we end up cracking like fresh eggs (ya'll farm fresh eggs are so much better than supermarket eggs-just so you know). I cracked like an egg a few weeks go, more like a month ago.

I was so tired, physically, emotionally, mentally. Just exhausted and I was trying to keep the same fast pace I keep daily. Well-the exhaustion stopped me dead in my tracks on vacation. I slept 18 hours in one day, i cried a lot, i was overly anxious. a huge shoutout to my wife, cousin and bff. i simply needed my family, my own bed and my dogs. i needed 'home'- i was doing too much in such short time. (i hosted a wedding anniversary party for my grandparents, moved my bff to dc, and went to the beach all within 2 weeks). ya'll i was friggin tired! i had no idea!

so bottom line here- you'll fall apart and that is okay! Take the rest, call your support system, tell them your a mess. Give yourself time-but get back up and be the badass you are! Rest, reset and kick ass-



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