The Starting Line
Day 1, Monday, tomorrow, next week, next month. Isn't that how all our "diets" start? I'll start on Monday, next week, etc. "I'll have one more cheat meal." I know that is how it started for me. I always pushed it back, made an excuse or simply had no interest.
THEN....I stepped on that scale. I topped 200 lbs! WHAT?! How'd this F***** happen? After that I was so depressed. Not to mention I stepped on the scale at the White Water Center to ride the zip line. I almost couldn't do the zip line. ALMOST by 3 lbs, that was TOO close for comfort.
I was devastated. I had always been muscular. I mean hell- I rode horses, played softball, grew up on a farm, I wasn't a sedentary kid or adolescent. But as an adult I didn't do any of those things. I worked and came home. I had no idea how manage food or lack of exercise. Alcohol also packed the pounds right on, whoops.
I still then didn't really take charge of anything. I started Weight Watchers and lost about 10 pounds and felt good about it. I was back under 200, and I felt alright. My clothes still didn't fit too well but better than before.
Fast forward some time and my cousin got engaged....which meant a wedding...which meant pictures, forever. Wedding pictures are around FOREVER! I told my self, no way was I going to look like this in those pictures I have to see FOREVER! Nope!
Although I was determined, I had NO IDEA what hell I was doing or where to start. Do I join a gym? What do you do in a gym? My normal fitness as an adolescent was riding horses, playing softball, normal functional fitness and I never thought of it as exercise.
Well, I took to Google. I was like WTF is a calorie deficit, I am NOT walking on a treadmill endlessly....this looks like torture. NO THANKS!
I felt totally defeated, uneducated and still FAT. Yes, I said it FAT. I was FAT. I had lots of FAT. People toy with the F word. I use the F word. I don't call others FAT but I called myself FAT because I was FAT .. and MISERABLE.
So, I started at a chain gym. I started walking then running. I got bored QUICK! So, I took to lifting weights on machines. I still had no idea what I was doing but I started to see the changes I wanted. I typically would work out and eat Lean Cuisines and do Weight Watchers (I did many fad diets too & they never worked). The results were slow but I saw the difference.
I continued on this journey until it was time for the wedding. I quickly learned that this type of working out was NOT for me. I was bored. I ran a few 5k's and half marathons. Again, bored. I apparently need to be challenged and entertained..HA!
My current fitness routine is way different today but I had to start. We all have to start somewhere. You don't have to know it all to start, you just have to start.